El Puente has a new look

El Puente Neues Logo 2024 El Puente Neues Logo 2024

El Puente has a new look

We have a new look with fresh colors, fonts and a new logo! After a well-thought-out creative process with several workshops, external consultation and internal opinion-forming, we are now proudly introducing our new look!


Our rebranding has one main goal: to show fair trade even more surprisingly, loudly and boldly. Because we believe that this is what makes our movement fit for the future! We want to make a significant contribution to shaping fair trade as a way of life.

Our Manifest

For all visionaries.

For all those who want to change the economy.

For all those who put people and the environment before profit.

Together we create a future through fair trade!

That sounds utopian?

We are doing it.

Responsibly. Cooperatively. Revolutionary.

Our Logo

This is our logo evolution: from a pictorial, very graphic and complex logo, to a version that was more abstract, reduced and still very graphic, to a now minimalist, typographic version.


We highly value existing logo parts that express El Puente's experience, stability, and mission. We have therefore retained and further developed certain elements in our new logo: The protective semicircles are now united with dynamically active elements. What is most evident, however, is the connecting, stabilizing bridge that continues to play an important role in our logo. 

Our Fonts

Our Colours

Shareholders support the decision

The creative developments were presented to the supervisory board and the shareholders' meeting and confirmed by representatives of our trading partners, employees, world shops, individual shareholders and the educational association. In addition, we sought the opinions of world shops right at the beginning of the creative process. Keeping our products attractive on your shelves is our main concern! 

New Packaging

We will also adapt our packaging design step by step. This is a medium-term project. When switching to the new product packaging, we want to proceed in a resource-saving way and use up the old packaging first – so please be patient until all products with the new design are on your shelves.