About us

El Puente Fair Trade Fairer Handel Unternehmen El Puente Fair Trade Fairer Handel Unternehmen

For all visionaries.
For all those who want to change the economy.
For all those who put people and the environment before profit.
Together we create a future through fair trade!
That sounds utopian?
We are doing it.
Responsibly. Cooperatively. Revolutionary.


Who we are, what we do

We are a social business that brings Fair Trade Food and Interior into the market. As part of a worldwide network of cooperatives, family businesses, social and fair trade businesses, we exemplify a revolutionary way of doing business. All our partners pursue the same goal: we put people, the environment and the climate before profits. And not just since fair trade and sustainability have been on everyone's lips. Since our foundation in the 1970s, these values have been the principles of our work.

Our Fair-Trade-Products

A lot of handicraft expertise goes into all our products. And you can see, feel and taste that. Artisans and small scale farmers have been making the products, often for generations. The results are beautiful, handmade home accessories as well as the finest coffees, spices or chocolates. Our assortment reflects the diversity of Fair Trade.

More than trade

We don't just see ourselves as traders, but are also committed to change on a political level: We want to make world trade fair and encourage people to become part of the movement. Development education has always been an integral part of our work.

Together we achieve more.

That is why we are involved in the most important Fair Trade networks, for example the WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization), the Forum Fairer Handel e. V. and the Weltladen-Dachverband e. V. (World Shop Association).

El Puente Fair Trade Fairer Handel GeschichteEl Puente Fair Trade Fairer Handel Geschichte

History & Organization